Common Withdrawal Symptoms After You Quit Smoking

Some might say that getting rid of a habit is very hard, and it certainly is the same thing with smoking. There are several people who have been successful with their attempts to finally bid goodbye to cigarettes because of the dangers that they may bring to the smoker’s health. However, one should anticipate some of the withdrawal symptoms that may occur once a smoker has decided to quit smoking. This will enable him to stop smoking withdrawal symptoms as fast as he can.

During the first few minutes that you have decided to quit smoking, you will have the tendency to crave for another batch of cigarettes. Your brain will remind you that it is time to smoke cigarette, and it sends out signals to you that you must smoke at once. When this craving is not satisfied, you will harbor feelings of anger and frustration towards anyone or anything that you see. This only shows that the nicotine level in your body is already falling and there is a need to keep up these levels in order for you to feel normal. This is normal within the 24-48 hours that you have quit smoking. This situation also depends on your propensity to smoke.

You must find all means to stop craving to smoke a cigarette. Instead of grabbing a pack of cigarettes and eventually smoking again, what you should do is to find diversions for yourself in order for you to quit smoking. You may have other substitutes for cigarettes, like chewing on mints or candies instead. You may also preoccupy yourself with several activities that you like to do just to keep you from smoking. You may exercise, listen to music, and engage yourself in sports or any other similar activities.

A person who has just quit smoking will experience having persisting cough which may last for a couple of weeks or more. This is another withdrawal symptom that you need to be aware of. It is best to drink water and chewing on sweet candies to keep your throat moist. This will also enable your body to flush out the harmful toxins in your system.

Insomnia should also be a sign to help you stop smoking withdrawal symptoms. During the first few days that you have quit smoking, there will be times wherein you will have difficulty having a good night’s sleep. If you experience this dilemma, try drinking warm milk or chocolate before going to bed, or soak yourself into a relaxing bath. This will enable you to soothe your body so that it would have a relaxing sleep.

Because nicotine also has an effect towards the digestive system, there are chances that you will experience constipation once that you have quit smoking. In order to stop smoking withdrawal symptoms just like this, it would help for you to eat foods enriched with fiber, coupled by fruits and vegetables. Also, have some exercise, which is a good way to stimulate the bowels.