Smokers Unite

Hi All

Every year at New Year millions of people as a New Year resolution decide to give up smoking.

Here is my own Clayton's method to give up smoking.

First of all tell yourself this.

I am not going to put myself under any pressure, I can smoke whenever I feel like it.

But I am making some rules.

I may only smoke in certain places. Somewhere away from where I spend most of my time. I just cannot light up a cigarette where ever I am at the time.

Once you have a few places at work and at home and a rule for in the car. I can only smoke in the car when it is stationary.

Now have a smoke whenever you feel like it but here is the next rule.

Only smoke half a cigarette and then put it out and use it next time you feel like a smoke. This should cut smoking in half by itself.

Do this for several weeks and then only smoke a third of a cigarette each time.

Next rule, use delaying tactics. Each time you feel like a puff, tell yourself I will have a smoke after I finish my next task, or I will have it at the next hour 1 o'clock. By delaying lighting each cigarette you will end up smoking less cigarettes.

When ever you are smoking, do not put the cigarette out of your fingers. Or if you place it in an ask tray never walk away. Do not let cigarettes get wasted by just burning away. Smoke every bit of every cigarette you light until you reach the third of a smoke and then put it out.

By doing this you will enjoy smoking less and you will find it much easier to give them away completely.

After 4 weeks of doing this I have cut down from 30 - 40 cigarettes a day to 5 cigarettes a day.

My lungs feel less congested and I can breath more freely and also now I do not crave for a cigarette so much.

I'm sure in another 4 weeks I will be lucky to smoke 1 a day.

If you feel ready to give up, give my method a try.

I still do not know what to do with the $300 I have saved. But I'm sure I could buy something for myself as a reward, something I would really like.

Smokers give my Clayton's method try.

George Markos