Smoking Your Last Cigarette

Everyone knows how bad smoking is for you, how smelly it makes you and how it ruins your teeth yet it's amazing how many people cling to this nasty habit. Let's admit it, nicotine is an addictive substance and there's also the physiological addiction to deal with. All is not lost though, people can and have quit. An encouraging fact is that nicotine leaves your system after three days, so if you can abstain from lighting up for just three days you should have your physical addiction beat.

The sad news is that smoking is also psychologically addictive. Many smokers like having a cigarette with their coffee, after a meal, or with a drink; a lot of it is social behavior.  For many, the process of puffing on a cigarette is strangely relaxing, almost like deep breathing, and the thought of quitting can bring feelings of panic and anxiety to the most avid smoker.

The trick to quitting is you have to really want to. Once you've decided you want to drop the habit, start planning your strategy.  Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit, go over them several times a day. Take up a hobby you enjoy to help keep you busy and occupied with something constructive. Try to start exercising; physical exercise can benefit you in more ways than one. In short try to replace smoking with healthy living.

Try to quit smoking over the weekend or on vacation. Once you've smoked that last cigarette, remove any cigarettes from the house, clean out any ashtrays and remove them out of sight. Now's the time to avoid any friends who smoke, spend your time in places where smoking is prohibited such as cinemas, the theater anywhere you won't feel tempted to light up. Try to keep busy on this important day.

Take a trip to your dentist and get your teeth cleaned from all the tobacco stains and brush regularly to keep your mouth feeling fresh.  Try to avoid all activities and places you associate with cigarette smoking. For example if you liked smoking after a meal, talk a walk instead or brush your teeth. Sometimes simple things like brushing your teeth will take your mind off your craving. Instead of reaching for a cigarette when you're craving nicotine try chewing some gum or eating a carrot or celery, anything! Just don't succumb to your cravings.  Resist, resist and resist, it will become easier with time!