Auriculotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Auriculotherapy was developed in the 1940s in France by Dr. Paul Nogier, a neurologist. It is a hybrid medical system used to reduce tension, enable the body to relax and increase circulation. It works on the principle of traditional acupressure and acupuncture utilizing today’s medical science. This is a noninvasive treatment which has been used for years to treat nicotine addiction. Auriculotherapy is a safe and effective treatment accepted by the World Health Organization and approved by the FDA.

Smoking is harmful and addictive, a habit leading to poor health and early death. Those who wish to give up their smoking addiction can choose auriculotherapy, which has the capability to correct the energy flow between points called meridians. It is a painless treatment used to balance and normalize psychological functions. Studies have proved that this method is seven times more powerful than other methods used for smoking cessation.

To detect the meridians, a noninvasive micro stimulation device recommended by the ACI (Auriculotherapy Certification Institute) is used to stimulate the surface of the outer ears. Depending on the different zones of the ear, the auriculotherapy practitioner uses various frequency specific patterns. Normally, the procedure of auriculotherapy takes 30 minutes to about an hour to activate the release of endorphins, a naturally occurring substance. This eliminates the symptoms of nicotine craving and the treatment works well in cigarette users after a few follow-up visits. If the treatment plan is strictly followed, auriculotherapy treatment will have a success rate of 80%.

In almost all the cases, those undergoing auriculotherapy treatment reported no side effects. The treatment is beneficial in that it relieves you from your harmful addiction and enables a healthy lifestyle. If you need an auriculotherapy practitioner for smoking cessation, select one who is well experienced in this field.