Virtual cigarettes to help you stop smoking


Quit smoking

Easy. I already stopped a hundred times. As my relationship with the tobacco akin to a game of yo-yo. I tried everything: patches, substitute products, hypnosis and even the double-blind trial of a drug before its marketing. The results have not been completely negative. My record is even a total cessation of two years!

But tobacco has always reasserted itself.

Why? Smoking kills, it is written in big letters on the packages, smoking stinks, it's a tough reality. But smoking is also a pleasure, a gesture which accompanies and glamourize - even if it is a glamor by the week, I agree its a thread of life to deal with boredom which I have a hard time to deal without.

The miracle arrived a few months ago.

After a concert I went to chat with one of my friends I had not seen for ages, in a small corner of the room. There I saw him pull on a black rod terminated by a green LED that turned on at each of his inspirations.Then I noticed the plumes of smoke coming out of his mouth and nose? I threw a "What's that?  "Puzzled that causes this response to engrave in stone:" That? It's a blessing against addiction."He explained its an electronic cigarette and he made me taste it. It was not unpleasant. And even in an enclosed area it produced a smoke that had no smell and did not bother anyone inside the room. It was a pleasure beyond comparisons.

The next morning,  I rushed to the Internet

I typed "Electronic cigarette" in the search engine and ordered a pack for myself. A few days later a package arrived at the office inside a cigar shaped box, and I am now the proud owner of a little white stick, with a cigarette holder. I started to blast perfectly odorless smoke puffs, but they were not entirely without flavor. Everyone around me had a different reaction adding different spicy comments like: "It looks like a pacifier, a big boy like you!

I kept quiet

Suddenly, I could smoke everywhere without hindering anyone, but it did caused intrigued. The waiters asked me to stop, I explained the principle, made them see the lack of smell, and I still smoked my cigarette in peace. I do smoke real cigarettes from time to time, but incomparably much less than before. Still, to truly measure the efficiency of those virtual cigarettes , only time will tell. But for now, it's sure is a big help in my constant fight against tobacco dependency