The Fog Of Quitting Dip

You're a couple of weeks in... You're feeling good about your decision to quit ... But some thing's just not quite right... You feel "dizzy". Maybe not quite dizzy, but like you've had a beer or two. You're "off". You don't feel quite right. You can't concentrate. Reading is difficult and typing is damn near impossible.

Welcome to the fog ladies and gentlemen. I can tell you that it will pass. I can't tell you when. I can't tell you how foggy it will be... But i can tell you that you'll get out of it.

I quit on July 24th, 2006. My birthday was August 2nd. I literally don't remember what I did that day I was so foggy. I was playing ping pong with a co-worker that week and almost fell over... I was having trouble tracking the ball. I couldn't concentrate on work. I couldn't think about family. I was focused on my quit and how bad life SUCKED without my friend the Kodiak bear.

And then something happened ~~ the fog lifted. I saw the light. I didn't need dip anymore. Sure there were bad days, but I wasn't feeling like crap anymore.

You too will see the light -- You too will get out of the fog.I promise you!!!I know it's difficult to believe at this point in your quit, but trust me/us -- We know what we're talking about.

Realize this... You NEVER have to go through the fog again once you get through it -- unless you cave.

You never have to feel this crappy again -- unless you cave.

You've taken the first step, you're quit and you're on the site . Now take the next step and walk through the fog. You'll have a new outlook, a bunch of great friends and a dipfree life!