Enforcing Workplace Smoking Bans

There are different smoking ban regulations that are in place in the different states. There are some states that have very strict smoking bans that affect almost every area of public life. In other states, the laws are left up to the various cities and places of business.

There are workplace smoking bans that require the majority of the workplace to be smoke free while designating a smoking area in a room or outside a certain side of the building. These workplace smoking bans allow individuals who want to work in a place where the air is not full of smoke to work, and it also allows people who like to smoke to enjoy their breaks with their cigarettes in the designated areas.

Types of Bans

The workplace smoking bans depend on the type of workplace. There are workplace smoking bans in most government run businesses such as museums and schools. There are also usually workplace smoking bans at theaters and hospitals. All of these workplaces usually have some area that is designated for smoking so that people that smoke can still have a place to go and enjoy their break.

If the workplace is a place of travel, then there are also usually comprehensive workplace smoking bans in those places. Train stations, bus stations and airports usually have designated areas where people can smoke but on the buses, trains or planes, there is not any smoking allowed at all.

There is sometimes smoking allowed in a bar in those places of travel, but that is not always the case. In addition, if the workplace is a hotel or motel, smoking bans are also in place, however, the rooms that are available as a non-smoking room might end up being occupied by a smoker, thus making the room smell like smoke.

There are also workplace bans on smoking in place where there is dining available. Most restaurants have workplace smoking bans that allow their customers to eat without being surrounded by smoke. There are sometimes smoking sections available still in certain restaurants, especially those that have bars in them, but these are diminishing since the smoke from those areas will sometimes drift into the other areas where smoking is not allowed.

There are some places that are sports bars where there is food served as well as drinks. These usually still allow smoking, but today there are more and more of these restaurants that have implemented workplace smoking bans for their customers.