Are Electronic Cigarettes Safer Than Real Cigarettes - 7 Benefits of Stopping the Habit/? 250610" Are Electronic Cigarettes Safer Than Real Cigarettes A benefit of quitting smoking can be to help one prevent the pain and health deterioration that cancer brings. It is well documented that smoking can result into cancer of the lung, oral or even the most recently concluded confirmation about the esophagus cancer. Smoking can also subject one to the cancer of the kidney, pancreas, cervix, stomach and bladder. With the zeal to stop or quitting smoking, one is able to avoid all this cancerous attacks that can be a great pain if you fall a victim. The earlier one decides to quit smoking the better because all the above mentioned complications can be avoided The second benefit of giving up smoking is that the heart diseases will no longer be a high probability disease to attack you because studies states that smokers have a high risk of developing peripheral vascular and cerebrovascular diseases which causes strokes. They also can easily get and develop coronary heart disease which is key to sudden cardiac arrests Smokers also have certain peculiar smell that emanates from them and so by giving up smoking, this odor which might be of great discomfort if one is a family person will have to go. The children will be more relaxed when with you and your spouses will not also have to sacrifice a lot to stay with you because you no longer have the tobacco stinks /? 250610" Are Electronic Cigarettes Safer Than Real Cigarettes Smokers can as well be faced with a problem of coloring or browning teeth due to nicotine and so with the quit smoking attitude you will save a lot of money that would have spent on buying teeth whiteners and use the money on more demanding and deserving projects for your family and you. Not only will quitting smoking help one have white teeth but will also help clean the yellowing nails and hair without forgetting premature wrinkles. Benefits of quitting smoking will also help return the lost confidence and one will be more confident with brighter smiles. Expectant mothers who quit smoking also reduces the chance of pre mature births, miscarriages, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), low birth weight babies, and the child will be born without traces of nicotine in their blood stream unlike a child born by a chronic smoker mother. The major reason why a family man or woman should quit smoking is to avoid making the rest of the family passive smokers. As one smokes the rest who are near him or her also inhale the smoke hence suffering the same dangerous side effects jut like the real smoker. This is very dangerous because may people will be suffering from your habitual smoking vice yet they do jot deserve that. /? 250610" Are Electronic Cigarettes Safer Than Real Cigarettes |