Alternative Healing: Dragon Meditation Between Accupuncture and Accupressure

Alternative healing is healing approach except modern healing by paramedic. Usually, alternative healing use many methode like herbal, meditation, yoga, accupressure, accupuncture, pray and many more. Various methode appear on alternative healing. Dragon meditation produce biomagnetic energy that useful for alternative healing. Energy from DM can spread and radiate to sick location. For more info about this you need read my next article on this subject.

Accupuncture is alternative healing use needle or other tools to puncture point at the body. This point generate body energy to heal sick location. For example if you get sick on kidney then kidney point on foot or hand must puncture with needle or other tools.  Hundred to thousand point at our body must select which proper puncture. This methode invent on chinese and this is very famous in this country. There is many institute teach accupuncture.

Accupressure is other accupuncture method use finger as tool to do healing process. All principle on accupressure is same in accupuncture. Some time accupressor combine with massage. So accupressure and massage will the best combination to heal and make fresh to patient.

In DM community, massage and accupressure is one method as alternative healing. So many DM participant has succeed help other people on light sick or hard sick. From head problem to stroke disease and other sicks has been succed cured by our friend on DM community.

They must understand accupuncture point and which selected point for specific health problem. They must be able to massage and push their finger when do healing process to the patient. DM people will flow DM energy via their finger when massage and accupressure activity. All finger will spread energy to patient's body to better healing process. For patient with good sensitivity or DM people who have big radiation, patient will feel magnet wave on their point touched by DM people. This is very helpful in healing process.

You can do like that if you have desired to get healing capability with DM energy. You must try first pre-DM. Better you buy my ebook on my website. I am not push you tu buy it but this is a must if you want get this. Pre-DM will give you DM energy to but this is too small. But, small or big wave is not guarantee on healing. The gurantee is your single minded to the patient will heal the problem.[]