If you are looking for weapons in your arsenal to help you stop smoking then there are two revolutionary prescription medications that are known to be doing the rounds; namely Zyban and Chantix. Bupropion, the active ingredient in Zyban, is a prescription medication that facilitates smoking cessation. It works by combating and reducing the cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal, when one gives up smoking. While varenicline, the active ingredient in Chantix, works by reducing the pleasure associated with smoking. Manufactured by Pfizer, Chantix is reputed to be more successful than Zyban when it comes to smoking cessation.

Zyban vs. Chantix

Both are prescription medications that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of nicotine addiction. When it comes to approval, there is very little to choose between the two. The birth of Zyban was not as a smoking cessation drug; it was primarily developed as an anti-depressant. During its clinical trials, Zyban was noted to bring about a reduction in the need to smoke amongst smokers who participated in these trials. Over time this beneficial effect has been well documented, but researchers are still not sure as to how Zyban actually works. The problem with Zyban is that there are a few psychological side effects associated with the intake of this medication.

Chantix, on the other hand, originated as a drug that was specifically developed to help people curb their smoking habit. Chantix works at two levels. Firstly, it reduces the nicotine cravings experienced by smokers when they give up smoking. Secondly, Chantix does not allow the nicotine to reach the pleasure receptors in the brain. When nicotine reaches the pleasure receptors in the brain, it acts on them inducing a feeling of pleasure. This is why people get addicted to smoking. However, with Chantix, smokers do not get the same amount of pleasure that they earlier did. As a result, Chantix helps them leave smoking easily. The fact that it works at two levels means that it takes away both the temptation and the pleasure associated with smoking.

Who's the winner?

There is no hand's down winner amongst the two – both Zyban and Chantix – as both have their salient features. However, there is no doubt that Chantix offers a two-fold benefit to its user. The abandonment rate of this medication is also lower than that of Zyban. While the success rate associated with Chantix is seen to be higher than that of Zyban.