Success Rates in Quitting - All About Quitting Smoking Success Rates

Success rates in quitting, especially on first attempts, are generally really low.  In fact, studies have shown that only 5-8% of those who attempt to quit without any help succeed and the rest totally fail. There are many reasons why success in quitting is at this low percentage. Sometimes, first time quitters cannot do it on their own and they lack information on how to get help. There are also cases that they do get help, like going through nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), but they end up choosing a method unfit for them and so they still fail.

A higher percentage of success registers for those who attempted to quit and used medicines or the correct method of NRT. About 25-33% of these smoking quitters have been successful and have remained quit for at least 6 months. This result also shows that combining medicine and therapy could work better than having medicine or therapy alone as a help tool. The support from family and friends and some behavioral therapies also contributed to the success in quitting.

There are certain groups that offer stop smoking programs and classes for those who are serious in their desire to quit smoking. These programs help a smoker deal with his nicotine addiction and the mental and physical aspects of withdrawal symptoms. These programs often have a number of sessions and do one-on-one or group counseling for quitters. Unfortunately, these stop smoking programs don't get as much positive results, which means they still don't get a high percentage on successful quitters.

Your success in quitting greatly depends on your commitment to really give up your smoking habit. No matter how much help you get and how much medicine you take, if you are not serious in achieving your goal, then you're just an added point on the percentage of those who failed. No one will tell you that quitting is easy because it really is not and it requires a massive amount of self-discipline and self-control.

Success rates in quitting and the fact that it is quite low should not be made a reason for you to continue your smoking habit. Remember that most of those who have quit and stayed quit did not achieve their status with just a single attempt. They have gone through so many tries before they finally got to quit. Set an example for your family and friends and show them that you care about your own health and those of the people around you. So the next time you set your mind and body to quit smoking, stick with your decision until you reach your final destination.

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