How Smoking Can Take Away Your Health and Life

Despite the dangers that smoking can bring, there are still millions of Americans who enjoy lighting up sticks upon sticks of cigarettes. In fact, figures show that about 25.9 percent of men in the United States are smokers, while about 18.1 percent of women light a cigarette regularly. Probably, if people are just made more aware of the ill-effects of smoking, then many, especially the younger generations, would find it easier to ditch this very deadly vice.

If you are a smoker or knows someone who does, it might be a good idea to continue reading the article so that you would have a better grasp of why a person needs to stop smoking cigarettes and refrain from using other nicotine-filled products as soon as possible. Those who have been chain smokers for a long time can benefit a lot from quitting now.

Impotence And Fertility Difficulties

Men who have been smoking for a long time may experience impotence. Women smokers, on the other hand, may find it hard to become pregnant. However, smokers who quit this vice can reverse the effects of impotence and infertility. Thus, before you take drugs that will help with your erection, you might first want to ditch the cigarette and see how your virility under the sheets could comeback in no time at all. The same is true for women. After quitting smoking, you will see that your chance of getting pregnant is also increased.

Lung Diseases

If there is one obvious body organ that would be affected by nicotine inhalation, it is the lungs. Even smokers know that they are more prone to lung diseases such as asthma attacks, respiratory illnesses and even cancer. However, your risk of developing lung cancer will be reduced by 30 to 50 percent after a decade of saying no to cigarette smoking. You will also find that your risk of upper respiratory diseases and infections will also be greatly reduced immediately after saying no to smoking.


Aside from lung cancer, you can also get other types of cancer if you keep on smoking.  The other areas of your body that may be susceptible to cancer include the mouth, voice box, intestines, kidneys, pancreas, throat, and esophagus.

Stroke And Heart Attack

If you think that one stick of cigarette a day would not affect your healthy, think again. According to experts, lighting one to four sticks a day can actually raise your risk of getting a coronary artery disease. Furthermore, smokers are twice more susceptible to die suddenly than those who stay out of smoking.

However, if you stop this vice immediately, your chance of having a stroke or heart attack is decreased. If you stop smoking before you reach 50, you are also reducing by 50% your risk of dying in the next decade and a half compared to those who continue to smoke.

Dental Problems

At first glance, you will know a person who is smoking by the color of his or her teeth, mouth, and gums. More often than not, the gums of people who smoke are very dark. Aside from periodontal diseases, people who love to light cigarettes are also more likely to lose their teeth compared to non-smokers.

You may not mind having cancer or any one of the diseases enumerated above, but surely you should be afraid of early death, especially if you have family and kids to support. By quitting smoking, no matter how long or short you have been into this vice, you are going to minimize your risk of developing major health problems as soon as you say no to nicotine-laden cigarettes.

After reading the adverse effects of tobacco use, you should contemplate on ditching the vice. To help you effectively quit smoking, you might need to remove all traces of nicotine and toxins inside your body. You can do this by undergoing a cleansing program. A product that can assist you in undergoing detoxification with ease is Colpurin. For more details, just click on to