How to quit smoking weed...a mind thing

How to quit smoking weed. Hmm.. that almost sound counter intuitive. But contrary to some popular belief, there are those who want o quit smoking weed. There reasons could be many. Or it could one main dominating reason. Here are some things we do know. It is a mind thing. Smoking weed could be a gateway drug. And smoking weed has a way of taking away your drive. What we will aim to do is give some insight on how to kick the habit from a mental standpoint.

First you need to have the will and drive to stick with you decision to quit. Unlike a new years resolution, you have to have it burned in your mind that you will go all the way. Weed is not addictive like say heroin or cocaine. However the primary addiction a psychological addiction. It's a mind thing. The highs you felt when smoking weed always come back. And of course you have to smoke more potent weed or more joints to get back up there. That's why hard core smokers take off a few days to lower their tolerance.

Second take a look at the folks you surround yourself with. In all likely hood they toke too. The aroma of weed smoke from your friends and their come on dude hit will be hard to turn down. Rather than being around them while smoking look for other activities to do. Chances are you had a hobby or activity before taking up smoking weed.

Third and finally get an accountability partner. Shedding light on your decision to someone else can and should put some good pressure on you. On top of them calling you, find activities to do with them. Having someone share in your victories and encouragement with setbacks will greatly aid in your journey.