A Better Life If You Quit Smoking

There are many advantages when you quit smoking and they are not for a short period of time but for a long one.

Reduced blood pressure

Within 1 month, not only will your circulation have improved, but your blood pressure and pulse rate will also decrease. So this way you won't have headaches and you personal life would improve too.


Smoking cigarettes can cause many problems in someones personal life. There's now evidence to show that quitting may restore and actually improve sexual activity. Of course there are online tobacco stores where people could buy cigarettes but everyone makes his own decision.

Healthier lungs

Within 2 months, your lungs will no longer be producing extra phlegm caused by smoking. As a result, breathing will become much easier. And if our lungs are healthier then we will lie longer.

Reduce the risk of smoking related disease

By quitting smoking, you will reduce the risk of smoking related diseases such as respiratory infections and heart attack.

Improved immune system

After 1 month your immune system will have begun to show signs of recovery, reducing susceptibility to colds and flu. You won't feel bad because you will already be very strong.

Improved lung function

After 3 months, your lung function can increase by up to 30% resulting in improved oxygen intake and increased energy levels.