Cleansing Your Lungs - A Little Known Way To Quit Smoking

Many smokers who want to quit are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options that are thrown at them from nicotine patches & gum to hypnotherapy and more! Cleansing your lungs may seem like just another odd home remedy which can seem old fashioned compared to expensive laser surgery and other more modern methods and while this is something you can do at home it is certainly not lacking in effect!

Not only does having a healthy set of lungs give you many health and well being benefits such as:

  • Less chance of lung cancer
  • Easier breathing
  • Get rid of smoker’s coughs
  • Better Cardio
  • Better blood circulation and more

Cleansing your lungs will also actually make you dislike cigarette smoke making it repellant to you rather than something you want and crave. This is because once you have cleaned out the tar buildups which also contain nicotine that continues to feed into your blood your body no longer tolerates such toxins whereas before it had to

This will not happen overnight and will not completely overcome the psychological addiction of cigarettes which is where most people actually fail because they are so focused on nicotine withdrawals and cravings they forget to look at the mental side of addiction. However with a body free of the physical problems leaves you with the willpower, time and energy to focus on that part which is a big bonus

Now, the average smoker takes about 15-20 years to finally rid their lungs of all the impurities which is a long time but cleansing your lungs with proper lung exercises, vitamins and diet changes can reduce this to less than a year if done correctly.

So, to find out how you can stave off lung cancer , shortness of breath and have your body fight for you rather than against you when quitting click below for more lung detox information.