Don't Feel Bad About Using A Support Group

I often hear people talk about how they weren't strong enough to quit on their own.  They sing the praises of a support group that has helped them succeed and then essentially apologize for using the group as its intended.  I'm here to tell you that it's absolutely OK to get help quitting chewing tobacco or smoking.  It's absolutely OK to seek out a support group that will help you quit dipping.

I belong to one and quite frankly I'm proud of my involvement.  I don't think that this makes me a weaker person cause I couldn't do it on my own.  Let's face it, if I could have done it on my own I wouldn't have been a can per day addict for over 17 years.  If quitting was easy we all would have done it years ago.  When you're training for a marathon and you determine you're going to be more successful with a training partner what do you do?  You find yourself a training partner.  Wouldn't that same line of logic follow you into quitting dipping?

Sure, I might take it to the extreme with all the KTC merchandise I own but it's only cause I'm PROUD to be a part of such an organization.  This support group has helped me do something that I wasn't able to do on my own for years… it's helped me quit.  And stay quit.  I'm proud to identify with a group.  I'm not suggesting that mine is the only support group out there.  It certainly isn't.  If you're looking to quit and you're having problems making it stick, find someone... ANYONE that can help.

Perhaps it's just  a single friend that you can call on when you're having a rough day.  Perhaps it's a group of friends who've made a pact to quit together.  Maybe (like me) it's a group of random individuals on the web who've come together in one place to help one another.  The bottom line is this - if you need help, get help.  Your life may literally depend on it.

Don't apologize for bettering yourself – embrace it.