The Ecigarette, Hype Or Fiction?

It seems like smoking is becoming a crime in certain places. Gone are the days where you could light up a cigarette and start smoking anywhere. Fortunately, with the advent of technology it seems like the good old days may be making a comeback via the electric cigarette.

The electric cigarette is also known as the ecig, ecigarette, or electronic cigarette. This device promises to change our perception of smokers and those who are trying to quit smoking. In a sense, it was designed to change a smoker's dependency on nicotine.

The ecigarette is a great alternative to standard cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes give you the ability to control your nicotine intake at any given moment. Therefore if you're struggling with smoking cessation this is a great way to ease out of the smoking habit. You can have the best of both worlds without having to worry about wearing a nicotine patch or any other quit smoking aid.

In addition, the ecig doesn't emit any harmful fumes like normal cigarettes do. This means you can smoke at various places and you don't have to be concerned about harming someone with second hand smoke. Furthermore, the electric cigarette is so versatile that it allows you to choose a great variety of nicotine flavors.

Unfortunately, many people don't know where to find these electric cigarettes. Most people have never seen an ecigarette in action. A lot of stores don't carry electronic cigarettes because they feel their normal cigarette sales may be susceptible to the new technology. The fastest way to get your hands on the ecigarette is to go online.