Smokers Are More Prone to Sexual Dysfunction

Beware Smokers, if you chose smoking then you have to sacrifice your sex life. According to the latest conducted research, smokers are more prone to sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction was previously linked to many diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disorders, but now the latest news is that maximum number of smokers suffers with the sexual dysfunction. In other words you can say sexual dysfunction is related to smoking or smoking leads to the sexual dysfunction. It has been noted that sexual life of the smokers is usually deserted. Even women don’t like to have sex with the smokers as they lose the erection in between the sexual activity. Women also don’t like the smell coming through the mouth of smokers and usually avoid to be intimate with such men.

Sexual dysfunction  is the inability in the men to attain the erection or sustain the erection for the sufficient amount of time during the love making sessions. Sexual dysfunction is the condition that makes you lose the erection in between the sexual activity, when you require the erection most. According to the latest research 65% smoking men in the world are suffering with sexual dysfunction. No other disease or abnormal condition is so closely linked to the diabetes. The research scientists have even claimed that smoking in 90% of the cases leads abnormal sexual conditions in man. Smoking is also found to reduce the sperm count in the men and thus making them impotent. Smoking leads to the unsatisfactory sexual life between the couples and finally leads to the divorce. Smoking is considered to be one of the major factors that lead to the sexual dysfunction.

The main cause of the sexual dysfunction is the lack of blood supply to the male reproductive organ during the sexual activity. Smoking is one of the major causes of asthma that reduces your stamina in general and as well as during the sexual encounter. You may notice that you are tired in between the sexual activity or even at the starting of the sexual activity because of the asthma. Because of asthma less amount of blood is supplied to the male reproductive organ during the sexual activity and you lose the erection before you start the penetrative sex. Asthma damages the veins that supply the blood to the male reproductive organ. This in turn results into less amount of blood supply to the male reproductive organ during the sexual encounter and finally causes the sexual dysfunction in the men. Asthma reduces the air flow in your body and makes you uncomfortable during the sexual encounter.

Another important side effect of smoking is atherosclerosis, in which the plaque is deposited in the arteries that supply blood to the heart and to the different parts of the body. Due to the atherosclerosis less amount of blood is supplied to the male reproductive organ and thus the man who smokes a lot suffers from the sexual dysfunction. Smoking in some individuals even leads to weight gain which can further lead to the obesity. Sexual dysfunction is observed in majority of obese men. Smoking leads to the blood circulation problems in some men and thus reduces the blood supply to the male reproductive organ during sexual activity. Thus, these men suffer from the sexual dysfunction. A study was conducted in which 500 men who were smoking 5 or more cigarettes in a day were put for the questionnaire regarding their sexual life. The study reveled that 65% men were having a disturbed sex life due to the sexual dysfunction.

The men who were smoking a lot were asked to reduce the number of cigarettes in a day. Then again they were asked the questions regarding there sex life and the results were quite surprising as these men were able to enjoy the good erection during the love making sessions. Thus, this study cleared the fact that smoking was the reason of sexual dysfunction in these men. Hence, avoid smoking if you want to remain away from sexual dysfunction. But, I am sure that once you give up the habit of smoking completely then you will be able to enjoy your sex life more.