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The lives of many Americans are being threatened by smoking, however, a great number of them are fighting to quit smoking. This is not only in America, but this happens with smokers all over the world, as most of the people know by now that smoking is addictive. Smoking badly affects your health...As a matter of fact it affects your quality of life. That's why if you haven't decided yet to quit smoking, you should be thinking to take this decision as soon as possible, and if you succeeded in taking the decision, here are some guiding ideas that will help you in your journey to quit smoking.

  • Looking from the psychological side, most smokers do keep smoking and fail to quit because they're used to have something in their mouth, so keep your mouth busy! Chewing gums is very useful and has proven its efficiency for lots of smokers, especially spearmint flavored gum, because a lot of smokers said that it tasted a lot like menthol cigarettes, also you can eat some candies, it makes you feel good and keep your mouth busy too.

  • You not only need to keep your mouth busy, but also your life, because sometimes when you used to be bored, you smoked, so we don't want you to have the spare time to get bored, try reviving your old hobbies, like playing sports or music, writing, reading, whatever you used to do and enjoy, this will keep your mind busy with other things than smoking.

  • Try telling everyone close to you about your quitting smoking decision, this will make them support the good decision you've taken, and help you whenever you needed. In addition it'll create peer pressure, as you don't want to be seen as a failure by the people that you know.

  • Drink a lot of water, water is very useful in all cases, but especially when you're trying to stop smoking, it helps you wear away the poisons running through your body.

  • Set a final date to quit smoking, this date will be the first day in a new life free of cigarettes, this date will make it seem like a challenge or a mission for you to accomplish.

Finally, to quit smoking is a possible thing, but you have to believe that you can do it! If you needed to take some medication to help you through this process, you can but don't go for medications unless it's necessary.