Smoke Your Way to Sagging Skin and Weak Muscles!

It is really funny that there are many people in the world, especially the teenage boys who hold the concept that a fag in hand is representative of a status quo. The long stick between the lips is often thought to be sexy and appealing. The irony is that there are very few things in the world that are as harmful as smoking. The addiction doesn't spare even one organ of the body. From top to toe every organ of the body burns in the fire of the cigarette.

Teenage boys spend huge amounts on buying branded cigarettes in an attempt to look cool. The fact is that, cigarette is a cigarette. The harm inflicted by the costliest cigarette is sometimes almost the same as that of the cheapest one. The difference would be very meager. There is exactly no use on spending a fortune on maintaining a status quo that is killing.

The addiction of smoking can in fact be rated higher than that of the other addictions like alcohol. An alcoholic or a drug addict brings on harms only on himself not on the ones around him. This is not the case with a smoker. Passive smoking has been proved to be much more harmful than active smoking. It is strange and futile if you are earning hard for your family and securing their lives with health insurances and smoking away in their vicinity. People inspite of being educated and aware of all the possible harmful effects of the puff refrain from giving up; neither for their own sake nor for the sake of their families!

Expensive cigarettes and cigars are thought to be important for adding that zing to one's personality; well the truth is they are extremely detrimental to the looks of a person. Yes, smoking has been proved to have really bad effects on the complexion, skin and muscles of the person, among other things. You must have noticed that the lips of a smoker lose colour, his gums and teeth also deteriorate in quality. Similarly the facial muscles, skin and complexion also suffer if you happen to be addicted to smoking. A person also ages sooner if addicted to the smoke as compared to a non smoker. Age related Muscle degeneration commonly known as AMD has also been found to be affecting smokers more than their non smoking counterparts. The rate of AMD is a whopping 47% higher in case of the smokers as compared to the non smokers.

Every other day a new harmful effect of smoking has been discovered and proved in the human beings and the environment in the hope of keeping the people from embracing this harmful addiction. To no avail I must say. As the number of smokers are increasing day by day. However, it has been found in a survey that most of the smokers want to quit. And in their noble attempt they are being helped by the drugs like chantix online . This Quit smoking drug has had a good round and its effectiveness in making a person give up smoking has been hailed. Besides it can also be taken as one of the nicotine withdrawal treatments . Pfizer Chantix is one of the few anti smoking drugs that reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms to a great extent. Being a very novel drug people even buy chantix online only.