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Nicotine Addiction
Most people know cigarettes contain nicotine. They also know nicotine is addictive. What they don't know is what nicotine is and how bad nicotine addiction is? So here's something on nicotine addiction and treatments for it.

What is nicotine?
Nicotine is a poisonous, greasy, light yellow substance that turns brown upon exposure to air.

Why is nicotine bad?
Nicotine affects your entire body. Nicotine directly acts on your heart to change heart rate and blood pressure. It also acts on the nerves that control respiration to change breathing patterns. In high concentrations, nicotine is fatal; in fact one drop of concentrated nicotine on the tongue is enough to kill a person.

Believe it or not, nicotine in concentrated form is being used as a potent insecticide for centuries.

How bad is nicotine addiction?

Nicotine is a very addictive substance and generally results in the development of tolerance, the condition in which higher doses are required to achieve desired stimulation. Nicotine is metabolized fairly rapidly as it disappears from the body in few hours.

Smokers may develop withdrawal symptoms such as irritability; craving; cognitive and attention deficits; sleep disturbances and increased appetite in absence of daily dose of nicotine.

If you feel withdrawal symptoms are bad, just think what continual nicotine addiction can do. It raises your blood pressure, dulls your senses of smell and taste, reduces your stamina, and causes wrinkles. Long-term nicotine addiction can lead to fatal diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, emphysema and cancer.

Are there are any nicotine addiction treatments?
There are many nicotine addiction treatments. From nicotine replacement therapies to anti-smoking drugs, you will find many ways to say good-bye to nicotine addiction.

One of the best ways to go for anti-smoking is to go for Chantix (varenicline tartrate). This nicotine addiction treatment is more efficient and much safer than other anti smoking treatments.
Chantix varenicline tartrate has the unique ability to partially activate nicotinic receptors in the brain and reduces nicotine cravings. Even if you smoke during the nicotine addiction treatment of varenicline tartrate, this anti-smoking drug may impede pleasure derived from smoking. Thus, varenicline tartrate can help people break the cycle of nicotine addiction.

If you want to get rid of nicotine addiction and want a clinically proven, the best anti-smoking drug, go for varenicline tartrate. This latest nicotine addiction treatment has helped many-a-people, now it's your turn!