Give Up Chain Smoking

Cigarette smoking has been strongly linked with lung cancer. Medical studies have shown that cigarette smokers have a four to eleven times greater probability of contracting lung than non-smokers. For heavy smokers that number goes up to 27; in other words, heavy smokers stand a 27 times greater chance of getting lung cancer than non-smokers.

Smoking also causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, known as COPD. COPD causes the inflammation, and destruction, of small airways lung tissue, and can be completely disabling.

Tired of trying to quit smoking? Don't even want to think about it anymore? Scared that you will fail again? Well you don't need to feel so incompetent "Chantix" the new stop smoking pill is here to help you battle out nicotine.

We can find many drugs in the market and their false promises to claiming to the best stop smoking drug best but actually fail to deliver. Well, a%20rel=nofollow" href="> ?catid=34&productid=371&product=Champix&catname=Stop Smoking" >Champix</a" does not give a tall claim rather it believes in the truth and consumer satisfaction. Reviewing the feedback of people on the internet, who use the pill, it is evident that Chantix is the best stop smoking pill so far as it brings maximum positive results.

How does Chantix rescue? It's all in the brain; nicotine dependency and the craving for smoke are being controlled by the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Chantix/Champix is a selective nicotinic receptor modulator used as part of a program to help you quit smoking.It works by blocking the brain receptors that help in continued addiction and lessens the cravings to smoke. Chantix has Varenicline (as the tartrate salt) as its main component, which is a white to off white and slightly yellow solid powder soluble in water.It is an FDA approved medication and works well but could lead to certain side effects such as Nausea, Sleep disorder, Gas sleeplessness, Constipation, Headache, or Loss of taste.

Always buy Chantix against a valid prescription issued by your doctor. Chantix can be buying from online pharmacy.

Mark Thomas is the editor for the website, a highly recommended online pharmacy site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on online pharmacy, Anti smoking drug, men's health, sexual health,latest news, personal views, and articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at" .

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By Mark Thomas