Quit Smoking - Laser Therapy Can Be A Waste Of Money

Many people in a desperate attempt to find the magic cure to quit smoking will try almost anything to achieve their goal. Laser is the latest addition to the list of stop smoking aids that includes pharmaceuticals,nicotine patches,nicotine gum, hypnosis and cold turkey. Laser is a tool and in the hands of a properly trained and qualified smoking cessation specialist can be a viable option.  Unfortunately many entrepreneurs have parlayed the desire of some to quit smoking, into lining their pockets at the expense of the smoker. Looking for a smoking cessation professional may be the most important decision you have ever made. When looking for a  smoking cessation professional here is what to look for.

Track Record

Whether you are looking for a hypnotist or laser technician you will want to know how long they have been helping people to quit smoking, how they specifically plan on helping you, to quit smoking, and how they plan to support you through the period of susceptibility. One shot programs that make unrealistic promises is a red flag

Specialist or Generalist

Knowing who is providing the quit smoking service is worth considering, especially with laser, as many businesses have chosen to delegate the process to a technician who simply operates the laser. A smoking cessation specialist will understand not only how to operate a laser but will be conversant with the chemical, physical, habitual and psychological aspects of becoming a non-smoker. Smoking Cessation Specialists do one thing, help people to quit smoking. If you doubt the wisdom of preferring a specialist, who you would rather have work on your brain, a neuro-surgeon or a general practitioner?


Asking for information on results is a fair and important question. When it comes to results make sure you ask when and how often they measure their success rates. An out the door measurement while nice to know should carry less weight than success rates measured two years later. If they have been in business they should know the answer and will probably have a healthy referral track record as well.


Knowing how to safely operate a laser does not necessarily mean a person is qualified to help you to quit smoking. A properly trained smoking cessation therapist will not only know how to operate a laser, but will also be skilled at handling questions relating to cravings, withdrawal, habits, triggers, patterns of behavior and stress management.


Price should be the last and not first question you pose. Your health and your life may depend on you becoming a non-smoker. If you smoke a pack a day you will pay for most programs or products in 1 to 2 months. If you chose a service or product based solely on price you may be wasting your money and worse your health.