Way out for smokers?

Report-Way out for smokers?

What if somebody invented an alcohol that greatly reduced the user's chances of getting liver disease? What if somebody invented a cigarette that had approximately 3,980 less ingredients than a traditional cigarette? What if none of the ingredients in this new cigarette were known to be carcinogenic? What if users were reporting that they felt better after using this product as compared to smoking a traditional tobacco cigarette?

Imagine if smokers could smoke a cigarette that had approximately 3980 less ingredients than a traditional cigarette, did not cause cancer, and could be legally smoked anywhere without attracting bans and fines.

Known as ‘electronic' or e-cigarettes, these newly-invented cigarettes are being tried in UK, Sweden, Brazil US and India. People are still wary of e-cigarettes and even authorities do not know if e-cigarettes should be promoted or banned, but there is considerable amount of interest around this product, which was invented by a Chinese, Hon Lik.

What works in favour of the e-cigarette is that unlike nicotine patches or other cessation methods, an e-cigarette looks and feels like a real cigarette, only that it is made of plastic and metal. Smokers can take a "drag" and feel like they are smoking a real cigarette.

What is an e-cigarette?

An e-cigarette is a device that's giving the smoker the real effects and the same satisfaction of a traditional cigarette using an air flow sensor, atomizing chamber, a rechargeable battery, micro-electronic components, and finally a cartridge containing a small dose of nicotine, flavour and propylene glycol. The e-cigarette turns on when one inhales and automatically turns off again afterwards. Since the electronic cigarette has no flame, it doesn't emit any smoke. The electronic cigarette's atomizer heats up the nicotine solution in the form of vapour. The vapor is inhaled, exhaled and then it evaporates into the air.  This leaves no lingering smell like regular smoke does. The e-cigarette glows red with fire when ‘smoked'. Flavours are available that imitate cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobaccos, coffees, fruits, and herbal mixes. Cartridges that hold about two-packages of cigarette puffs are placed into the e-Cigarettes for users to enjoy one at a time whenever a smoking break is desired.

Nicotine Liquid: What is it made of?

All main ingredients in nicotine liquid are food products generally considered as safe. There are two common main ingredients in it—propylene glycol and nicotine. Nicotine liquid can be 80 to 90% propylene glycol and 0 to 6% nicotine. Other less common ingredients are menthol—for the mint flavour, glycerol, and even pure water that can be about 10% of the solution.

e-Cigarettes debate

Electronic cigarettes are loved by some non-smokers who would like to see smokers change their habit to include this product that contains no smell, harmful second-hand smoke, smoking chemicals, or butt trash that litters the environment.

Electronic cigarettes are hated by some non-smokers who fear that the sight of them will lead children into tobacco smoking habits. Others counter this thought with beliefs that as long as unhealthy tobacco is not involved, and unhealthy nicotine left out of the picture, there is no reason to fear this product.

Electronic cigarettes appear to be hated by the governments since they could lead to a population of smoking people with a product that does not qualify for heavy taxes. This device also voids brand new anti-smoking codes, rules, and regulations imposed upon government buildings and public places within all areas of the 'against smoking' society.

The problem with this cheap smokeless cigarette alternative is that flavours can come in either healthy zero nicotine versions, or with various strengths of nicotine included. This choice has upset the US Government Food and Drug Administration system who are being asked to ban the healthy version of this electronic cigarette product along with the nicotine versions of this same product, in the US.

There are some practical problems that users report with the e-cigarette. According to a report published in The Guardian newspaper of UK, there are complaints that the cartridge runs out very quickly and the rechargeable battery needs to be charged two or three times a day.

The benefits of e-cigarettes as reported are that smoker's cough and phlegm disappear, the sense of smell comes back and the wheezing stops.

For better results

Nicotine liquid, also known as e-liquid or e-juice, is a liquid mixture for the electric cigarette. Nicotine liquid comes in a variety of flavours and a few basic nicotine levels.

If the nicotine liquid (e-liquid) flavour doesn't taste the same and the electric cigarette gives you a weak throat hit, you might have developed some tolerance to the flavour. That's why using at least three nicotine flavours is a good practice. When the electric cigarette tastes too light, tolerance to your favorite nicotine liquid flavour can be only one of the reasons. Always charge the batteries, clean the atomizer, and use fresh and properly stored nicotine liquid.

From the many nicotine liquid flavours offered by different manufacturers, two seem to be more popular: tobacco and mint. These two flavours have different names and slightly different tastes depending on the brand—names like Original Tobacco, Cured Tobacco, or Arctic Mint may be names for the same flavour or variants of the flavour.

There are nicotine liquid flavours made to taste like those of traditional cigarettes, for example, Marlboro, Camel, Winston, or Kent. The most common of those is Marlboro.

Smokers using the electric cigarette have a better choice of flavours than those who smoke traditional cigarettes. While it is rare for traditional cigarettes to have flavours of coffee, vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate, most nicotine liquid and electric cigarette makers and sellers offer those flavours.

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