4 Reasons to Quit Smoking Now?

Have you heard a dozen times of people asking you to quit smoking now? In your mind, you probably have asked the same question in response – why should you quit smoking at all? Read on as I disclose 4 compelling reasons to snuff that butt now.

Here are the top 4 reasons to quit smoking now, in my search for answers from the smoking community.

1. Health

I guess you should have heard that many times. We all know that smoking harms our bodies. Smoker’s cough, lung cancer, emphysema and other smoking related diseases can be avoided if we quit smoking now.

If you may be a chain smoker or have been smoking for decades now, when you quit smoking now, it does necessarily mean that you would not develop these health problems. But by quitting, it dramatically reduces the chance of suffering from these illnesses. Those who have quitted can testify that they feel healthier each day.

2. Beauty

Smoking destroys your skin. Did you know that skin research shows that smoking causes wrinkles to appear on your skin prematurely? Even if you are a beautiful lady in your 20s, the smoking can easily add another 10 years to your age and make you look older and more haggard. Men are not spared and in the same way, the handsome face of yours may suffer as well. Dry skin is also a common trait observed in smokers.

Not only so, discoloration of your fingers, finger nails and teeth would take place also. These are harmful effects of smoking that would make you look uglier than the real you.

For your own beauty, shouldn’t you consider to quit smoking now? This is so important especially if you are still single and looking for a partner.

3. Money

A pack of cigarettes can easily cost more than $5. Say you are a light smoker and smoke a pack per day. In one month, you would have choked up at least $150 or even more. And that works out to be $1800 a year. Can you do something with that $1800 extra if you quit smoking now? I am sure you can reward yourself, buy yourself a new TV, computer or even pamper yourself with a nice Coach or Prada handbag if you are a lady.

4. Family’s Health

Second hand smoke can be detrimental to your family members’ health especially for the kids at home. It can affect children greatly if they suffer from asthma. Studies have shown that children in families with at least 1 smoking parent often suffer more asthmatic attacks and each attack is more serious and harmful.

Other health problems have been related to second hand smoke such as sinusitis, cystic fibrosis, rhinitis, lung failure, bronchitis, pneumonia, common colds, sore throats and so on.

For the sake of the kids and your loved ones at home, snuff that cigarette butt and quit smoking now. Find out how you can stop smoking now with an east to quit smoking system at my blog.