Njoy Electronic Cigarette Fda - The Reasons Why You Should Stop Smoking

Njoy Electronic Cigarette Fda

We all know that smoking does great harm to our health. For example, those people who are addicted to smoking easily get lung cancer. Heavy smokers look 10 to 20 years older than their real ages. Today, we will focus our attention on the reasons why we should quilt smoking.

Firstly, smoking makes people look older by restricting the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin. And it easily causes fatigue which directly influences your daily work and activities.

Secondly, smoking restricts breathing through the production tar and phlegm coated the lung. It is a great threaten for your health.

Thirdly, the risk of getting a heart attack will be whittled down by 50% if you stop smoking.

Fourthly, heavy smoking can make a person loose self-control ability. Due to the nicotine withdrawal symptoms, most addicts can not help getting back to smoking even though they do not want to. If you find yourself in a difficulty to resist the cravings of nicotine, go to the quit smoking aids where can help you by offering other products which include nicotine patches. Njoy Electronic Cigarette Fda

Fifthly, 10 to 15 years non-smoking can reduce the risk of getting lung cancer by 50%. Suppose you can stop smoking before 35 years old, the negative effect caused by smoking to shorten your life expectancy will be lessened.

It is the common sense that healthy body is the premise for any other activities. Without health, no matter how many dreams you have, you are unable to realize them. Therefore, to keep a good health does good to yourself as well as those people who concern you. Njoy Electronic Cigarette Fda