Mackroller Electric Cigarette Injector - If You Tried to Stop Smoking and Felt Unbearably Nervous

Mackroller Electric Cigarette Injector

Smoking would have been a great way to be calm if it were not for the deadly side-effects. And although most smokers have mild reasons why they smoke and can quit easily with the right approach, that is not so for all. A minority of smokers needs nicotine as a necessary drug to calm serious anxiety and/or depression. Most of this minority do not realise that they have a medical condition for which they have to seek help. Rather, they believe that they are addicted to the cigarettes and should they stop, they would get extreme withdrawal symptoms. The fact that this is not true is borne out by descriptions I get of withdrawal symptoms that happened three months or longer after they had quit.

I see two kinds of in-denial hypnosis clients; those who have already been to another hypnotist or hypnotherapist, and those who have not. Let me explain. Those who have underlying issues and have been to see another hypnotist unsuccessfully tell me that "it didn't work" with that hypnotist. Those who have underlying issues who are in denial and not ready to accept that they really do need the number of sessions I suggest say that "it didn't work" after the first session with me. This does not in any way make them bad people! Of course not. It does not in any way make them deficient. And it does not at all reflect on their will-power or personality. There is something completely different going on. Mackroller Electric Cigarette Injector

For a smoker with undiagnosed anxiety or depression, there are two ways forward. One is to deny that there could be anything other than a need to stop smoking. The other is to accept that there are other issues that need to be addressed before the smoker is in a position to quit.

Smokers who have seen another hypnotist first already have been through the seemingly unsuccessful experience. And so when I tell them that they need more sessions and explain the reasons why, they know from previous experience that this makes sense and are open to change. The smoker who is on their first ever hypnosis experience for stopping smoking only knows what they see elsewhere; stage hypnotists getting people to eat onions and act like chickens, and advertisements claiming to cure smoking in one session. They may even have been referred by a friend or relative who quit in one session with ease! Or compounding the confusion, by more than one person who quit in one session!

What I am basically trying to say is that different people have different needs, and if you tried to quit before and became unbearably nervous, found it hard to sleep, or suffered symptoms like heart palpitations, an unbearable knot in the stomach, shaking or clammy hands, chances are that it may take some sessions to release the nervousness first before you can completely stop. The nervousness is not caused by stopping smoking. The nervousness was hidden by smoking, so when that stopped, the nervousness showed up. That does not make you deficient in any way. It only means that stopping smoking is one of the best things that you can doc because by healing the need to smoke, you have the chance of becoming a calmer and more confident person. You can find a peacefulness that you have never even dreamed of before. And that is definitely a bonus. Mackroller Electric Cigarette Injector