Best Electric Cigarette Roller - Quit Smoking in 2 Steps

Best Electric Cigarette Roller

Today 4 out of 5 smokers say they want to quit. Millions of Americans vow every year to quit smoking, yet many of those vows are unfulfilled. The average person tries to quit several times before they are successful, so if this is not your first attempt, do not give up yet!

If you are struggling to quit smoking, help is just a few steps away. Follow these 4 practical tips to win your battle against smoking!

1. Establish the reasons you want to quit.

There are numerous health and relationship reasons why quitting smoking can be beneficial.

One of the first questions to ask yourself when you begin this process is "Do my reasons for quitting outweigh my desire for a cigarette?" If you answered "yes," you are well on your way to quitting for good. If you answered no, do not despair yet! You just need to recognize more reasons to say "yes" to quitting!

Many people want to quit because smoking poses major health risks such as lung and mouth cancer. Other unpleasant and virtually unavoidable side effects include the yellowing of fingernails and premature wrinkles! The most outwardly visible side affect of smoking however is browning of your teeth. This discoloration is a sign of teeth decaying -- not only unattractive but also unhealthy for your teeth!

Additional reasons people commonly quit smoking are for the overall safety of their house or business and to set a good example for children. Best Electric Cigarette Roller

2. Find a practical replacement for smoking.

Many people successfully adopt an alternate habit to replace their smoking routine. Some people think bubble gum, hard candy, or a soda can be a useful replacement for a cigarette. (Former President Ronald Reagan even used jelly beans to quit!) Though smoking is more dangerous than candy and soda intake, these sugary sweets can also pose long-term health and dental problems. Remember, if you begin craving a cigarette and reach for candy or soda instead, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards! If you initially turn to candy or a soda as a cigarette replacement, find a healthy, permanent habit replacement soon such as your favorite fruit or vegetable!

If you must chew gum, sink your teeth into a sugar-free ADA (American Dental Association) recommended brand such as Stride or Trident -- these gums are approved to reduce cavities and gingivitis! Best Electric Cigarette Roller