Quit Smoking For Good With Diet Support

A guy quitting smoking is usually in for something major. It is not something to be taken lightly. That is why, a smoker wishing to kick the habit needs every bit of support he can get. Evidence gathered on former smokers as well as other research show that a person’s diet plays a crucial role in making quitting more bearable and successful.

The Road To Quit Smoking

If you can’t quit cold turkey, take time to get ready for quitting. This is where the diet part comes in. A Duke University study discovered that vegetables, dairy foods and fruits affect cigarette taste, making it taste awful. However, coffee, alcoholic beverages and meat make smoking a lot tastier. For people who associate cigarette products with the latter, consider following the tips mentioned here.

There are some who achieve greater success if they take off for a few days and detoxify with the help of a juice fast. Many alternative practitioners believe this helps a person’s body in flushing out the nicotine along with other toxins. These two are responsible for making it tougher to quit smoking.

Foods To Help Quit Smoking

A way to kick off efforts at quitting smoking is to load up on fresh vegetables and fruits. These foods are rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins. They give the body the right nutrition, allowing it to get rid of the nicotine and improve the smoker’s mood, a key ingredient for giving smoking the boot.

Aim for a daily minimum intake of fiber of 20 grams. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day. This helps in flushing the system of nicotine. Steer clear of alcohol as majority of smokers trying to kick the habit notice that it makes their cravings even worse. A way to make water more appealing is to add some orange juice or lemon juice to it.

It is also good to eat foods heavy on calcium like fish and low-fat dairy products. Satisfy the body’s iron requirements by going for spinach, fortified grains or lean meats - all these contribute to good levels of energy. For people who snack a lot because of oral fixation, consider chugging a glass of water around half an hour before eating to lessen thirst and hunger pangs during meals.

Still, people should not deny themselves their favorite foods. Enjoy them, but do it in moderation. Start lunch as well as dinner with a large salad that contains plenty of nutrients the body needs and will make discourage you from overeating on the higher-calorie and fat-filled foods after the meal. Aside from eating healthy, exercise is an excellent way of letting off steam and burning calories.

Quitting smoking’s initial discomfort will eventually pass. What counts is that a person has made a conscious attempt to start living healthier. It also would not hurt to give yourself a pat on the back for each day you stick with the quit-smoking plan.