Universal E Cig Charger - 4 Simple Steps to Quit the Smoking Habit

Universal E Cig Charger

Medical evidence is clear and proven that smoking can seriously damage your health. Smoking can lead to a whole host of diseases and ailments that range from heart disease to cancer. The dangers of smoking are widely known and most people who do smoke are aware of them. However, they still continue to smoke. The other problem with smoking is its highly addictive and for many people very difficult to give up.

If you smoke and you want to stop and get your health back then, follow these 4 steps to help you kick the smoking habit.

Step 1
The first step is convincing yourself that you really want to give up smoking. For the first week begin by visualising that you have given up and you are experiencing the benefits of your improved health such as more energy, happier moods, better appetite, no more smelly clothes or bad breath.

Step 2
Get hold of a calendar or your diary and agree on a date that you will begin the process to quit smoking. Once you have decided write it down in your diary and on a blank page and attach it to the wall or fridge where you can clearly see it every day. Begin by removing all the cigarettes and tobacco and putting them in the trash. Remove any items and accessories related to smoking such as ash trays and lighters. Universal E Cig Charger

Step 3
This is the big day. This is the day that you begin the process of kicking the habit. It is important that you make this day a big event, a special occasion, a beginning of the rest of your life sort of day.

Step 4
The hardest part is the commitment to giving up. The reality is the first couple of weeks will not be easy. The craving to light up should only last for 3 to 4 weeks. You will get triggers or momentarily lapses when there will be a strong impulse to light up. Resist these as they will only last for a couple of minutes.

During the process of giving up the tobacco try and avoid certain triggers and situations that will increase your impulse to smoke. This could involve avoiding certain social functions for a while as well as stressful situations. It is also important that you create plenty of distractions for yourself. This can include starting a new exercise program or taking dancing lessons. Universal E Cig Charger