What if I Fall Off the Wagon and Have Just One More Cigarette?

Many times a person who decides to quit smoking will experience stress and of course the temptation to “just have one”, or they tell themselves “Just one won’t hurt me”. Of course if you follow this trail long enough you will never kick the habit. One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that no one understands what we are going through. My recommendation is have a buddy to confide in when the temptation strikes. And some times a person even with the aid of the best hypnosis program on the market will experience slight problems with breaking this habit.

If you slip up and have a cigarette or two, it isn’t the end of the world. "Cheating" or lighting up once over a cup of coffee doesn’t need put you back on the road to a pack a day.Refocus on your goal – being nicotine free!Remind yourself that quitting is hard. Just like anything that's difficult, you may not get it right immediately. Figure out what caused you to smoke, and learn from it.

The major key is to move on from the slipup, because berating yourself will only add to your stress and may make you fall off the wagon completely. Treat it as a bump in a road you're still traveling down. Remind yourself why you want to quit, and get back on track again as a nonsmoker. You can do this!

Focus on remembering how much better you started feeling right before you slipped up. Use that as motivation. If you went three days without a cigarette, try to make it a week this time. If you are using a hypnosis program, listen to the CD again, perhaps more than once. What you are doing if reprogramming your mind. Remember, God doesn’t make junk – and you can do this!

Try to identify what barriers made you stumble in your attempt to quit and what you can do differently. I read of one person who had the problem of what to do with his hands. This individual solved this problem with a simple candy sucker. Try it, this just may be one of your solutions. Stay focused and you will be successful, guaranteed!