Icig Electronic Cigarette Testimonial

I could not believe the claims when I first heard about an electronic cigarette.  I thought it was a joke.  No way could this product really satisfy a smoker and provide smoking health without cancer forming chemicals.  But low and behold it was everything that I liked about smoking without all the bad stuff.I saw ICIG electronic cigarettes at the LA County Fair but did not buy it while I was there.  I wanted to go home and look into it some more.  So I had to do some homework to see what was out there and make sure that I was buying the best product.

I looked on the Internet at some competitors and started to see some carts around at malls and checked them out.  I was turned off by the sales people at the mall carts and the packing of the other products seemed a little cheesy.  The other Internet items seemed a little unprofessional.
ICIG is the only electronic cigarette that came with two whole units and it was the best price.  I had a couple of questions so I went online to ICIG.net and got the phone number.  The customer service was amazing.  He answered all my questions and was very helpful.

That was it.  I liked everything I had seen in person and was impressed with my findings.  The customer service was awesome.  I was ready to buy.  I went back to ICIG.net to order and it was so easy.  There were four colors to choose from, eight flavors to choose from and I could get high, medium, low or no nicotine. I received my ICIG in three days!!!  I took them out of the box and they were ready to go!  I was able to start enjoying my ICIG immediately.  I put one on the charger and started using the other one right away.

It was so easy. I needed to order some more cartridges before I ran out.  I thought that I would try some of the other flavors and stock up. Back to their website, place an order and poof…cartridges were here in three days, again.  I thought I might need to stock pile a bit in case I didn’t get my order in time but the turn around time from ordering is awesome. There’s nothing better than getting the best product out there.  But knowing that I got the best price, great customer service and continued excellent service gives me that warm fuzzy.  ICIG electronic cigarettes are definitely the best thing out there!!!  What are you waiting for???