How Long Before Lungs Repair From Smoking

Over 430,000 people die every year as a result of a smoking related disease. Cigarette smoking is accountable for 87% of lung cancer deaths and is known to be the leading cause of cancer in the bladder, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus and larynx. Once your body has developed cancer or another smoking related disease it is too late to take it back, but the good news is that the lungs heal very quickly if you quit smoking before major damage is done.

Only twenty minutes after quitting there is a medical difference in the body. Blood pressure drops back down to a more healthy level.

Within the first day of quitting blood circulation will improve and the lungs will begin to increase in function.

In one to nine months after quitting shortness of breath and coughing will decrease. The lungs will be working much better and have a better handle on mucus, they will have an easier time cleaning the lungs and this reduces the risk of infections.

After five years of being a non-smoker the risk of stroke is that of someone who never smoked a day in their life.

Once fifteen years have passed nearly all of the health risks will return to normal.

This is very good news for smokers who are thinking of quitting. It does not take long before lungs repair from smoking and in addition to all of these long term health benefits, someone who quits will very quickly have better breath, their clothes will smell better, food will taste better and their sense of smell will come back.