Going Cold Turkey - Tips To Quit Smoking

Going cold turkey is probably the most popular way people try to quit smoking . The problem is that it is also the most difficult, with a very low success rate. To quit cold turkey generally means to stop suddenly, without having planned it and without any aids such as medication or therapies. Going cold turkey won't cost you a penny, but is it a wise choice when it comes to becoming smoke free forever?

The reason cold turkey is the most popular way of quitting is because it is what most smokers who would like to quit try first. They throw away their last packet of cigarettes and swear they are a changed person. Unfortunately they usually greatly underestimate their dependence on cigarettes, the addictive power of nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms they will experience within hours of their last cigarette stub burning out in the ashtray.

Despite the low success rate of cold turkey, some people are more suited to it than they are to other ways of quitting. Some people prefer to deal with the sudden impact of stopping and get it over with as quickly as possible, rather than suffer milder symptoms over a protracted period of time. Some feel that NRT's (Nicotine Replacement Therapies) tease them with small doses of nicotine, and would rather take the all or nothing approach.

If this is beginning to sound like you, and you think cold turkey is the way for you, you should take heed of these tips to help increase your chances of success:

Drink Plenty Of Water - Drinking water will not only keep your body hydrated (which will help with withdrawal symptoms), but it will also help flush out impurities from your body. Keeping some bottled water to hand to sip on will also give you something to replace that constant hand to mouth action the smoking made you accustomed to.

More On 'Hand To Mouth' - Some people find that chewing on gum or sucking sweets help them quit by keeping their mouth busy. Better still is to keep both your hands and mouth busy, try sucking a lollipop or even chewing the end of an old pen.

Countdown From Cravings - When you get a sudden craving for a cigarette, try closing your eyes and counting down from 10 whilst taking some deep breaths. If your craving is still there, move onto the next point.

Walk It Off - Taking a quick brisk walk can help keep you busy until a craving subsides. Go round the block a few times, to the park and back, wherever, just as long as it's not the nearest tobacco store! Still got a craving? OK, try the next one.

The Call Divert - The best way to get over a strong craving for a cigarette is to divert your attention. Try calling a friend for a chat just to get your mind off smoking. Failing that, try a quit smoking helpline if you have one in your area.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when going cold turkey is that, although the withdrawal symptoms seem at times unbearable, they are only temporary. They say that what works best for one person may not always work best for another. If you believe that going cold turkey will work best for you to get you off cigarettes, then you should follow that through with conviction and determination.