Isn't it Cold and Lonely Outside in the Smoke?

Even living in California, we experience cold weather. I know that our perception of cold is far different than that of people living in the mid west or the east coast. This question is posed to all of you who weather the cold to go outside and smoke a cigarette. I pass people huddled in doorways like criminals trying to keep from being exposed as the weak, self-destructive creatures that they are. They draaaggg on that slender, milky, white stick like it's filled with an elixir that will satisfy them indefinitely, instead of shorten their lives slowly and painfully. Sometimes, it is raining when I pass these people in their teeny tiny doorways. Sometimes, they've rushed outside so quickly that they've not had time to grab a coat. It almost seems like they think that cigarette will keep them warm.
For those of you who missed out on the commercials, the pamphlets or the "eeewwws" from little children who seem to know better, help me understand how you even got to this addictive state? Help all of us who try desperately to hold our collective breathes, as we walk passed you, understand how you can justify getting started on such a nasty, deadly, isolating and expensive habit?
And for those of you who are in the beauty and fashion industry, SHAME ON YOU! One minute, you are selling the benefits of the latest and best cosmetics and make up. The minute you are away from the prying eyes of the public, you are firing up that ciggy. You probably slathered on a heavy duty sunscreen before you walked outside for that first puff of the day. Most of the young people you are targeting with your products cannot afford to spend money on all of those expensive products (or buy cigarettes) as it is. Once they reach age 40, they look 10 to 15 years older and are looking for ways to get cosmetic surgeries to regain their youthful appearance. And some cannot afford that! If they were taking care of themselves by not watching you smoke in the first place, then they wouldn't need cosmetic surgery.
During these tough economic times that most of us are facing, not to mention the importance of promoting heart health among women this month, help all of us understand the logic of standing in a doorway in inclement weather and smoking a cigarette. Wouldn't common sense tell you this might be the perfect time to quit? Not only would it be heart smart, but financially smart too.