Why Should you Quit Smoking Marijuana

Millions of people worldwide smoke marijuana for various reasons. Some smoke because they want to escape from their problems and have a temporary happiness. Others smoke pot because they want to belong to a group while others smoke just to have some fun. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug globally. In fact, it is among the most affordable illegal drug and anyone can just easily plant it.

Well, I am not encouraging everyone to plant and earn from it. I was just trying to say that because of it's affordability many people from all walks of life really love to have it and use it.

However, there are pot smokers who decided to change their lives and cleanse themselves. These people finally decided to take advantage of the benefits of setting their lives free from marijuana. Among the important benefits of marijuana includes healthy physical body. Of course, smoking marijuana can destroy your lungs. Also, once you quit smoking marijuana, you will realize that there is no bottomless pit of your stomach. Since it also makes you high, it does affect the users mental thinking. There are even cases wherein new users end up being literally crazy because marijuana can also destroy a person's mind.

It is therefore important to quit smoking marijuana. Many ex-users feel that they feel being fulfilled and whole when they quit smoking. Quitting marijuana can stop your conscience from hunting you. In other words, you there will be no guilt within you. While others think that using marijuana can boost one's confidence, but quitting it even give you more confidence and a good self-esteem. You will surely find yourself confident in talking to people without any fear. Whereas using marijuana may result to paranoia, this side-effect will surely be avoided. There is indeed a lot of improvements you will find in your self.

There is actually a misconception about using marijuana. Some people say that it can relax them in times of stress. But actually, it does add stress to them. Thus, quitters will find it more relaxing and less stress. Also, I can recall that my classmate who was once a user thought that using marijuana can give him a sharp memory. That is a myth. Well, he had a sharp memory during the test and even got a good score, but after the exam, he was not able to use what he learned and studied because everything was flushed out when the effect of marijuana fade out. You see, ex-users can testify that when they quit smoking marijuana it improved their memory, BIG TIME.

Marijuana is not the solution to solving your problems. It can just add to it. It will give you an unhealthy life. If you are a pot smoker, start to STOP using it. You will surely find the great benefits of a healthy life. You better stop NOW and take advantage of the great benefits otherwise you will experience a tragic end of your life if you continue to use this weed.