Analyzing the Start of Nicotine Dependence

Cigarette addiction is a controversial problem in the society since in the past until in the present. Since the crucial point of the discovery of nicotine effect and the creation of the cigarette, addiction towards this serious health issue has become a social problem raising different concerns and opinion towards the matter. The core issue in the problem, nicotine dependence .

Nicotine dependence is mainly the core issue in cigarette smoking and the addiction towards this habit. People smoke to get the nicotine inside it unfortunately, including also the tar and other ailment-causing element inside each stick. In understanding the issue of nicotine dependence it is important to know first when this issue is likely to begin and set root into becoming a health risk habit.

First Stick, Chemical Basis for Dependence

There is no specific number that serves as the breaking point for nicotine dependence . The fundamental concept for this issue is mainly the seeping effect and influence of the chemical characteristics of nicotine inside the smoker's anatomical physiology.

Basically, the first stick means the first intake of nicotine in a significant serving amount which, in effect, alters the physiological balance of the person's hormones and physiology. This is mainly known as the “high effect”.

There are varying points or condition regarding the duration and influence of this high effect basing from the genetic unique characteristics of the person and the smoker's tolerance level. However, for the first one, the effect of nicotine is always significant. How the person reacts towards this effect determine the smoker's risk factor towards nicotine dependence . If the person likes it and starts craving for it when the effect wears off, this is the main signal of a possible nicotine dependence .

Second Stick, Psychological and Physiological

After experience the effect the nicotine towards the person's system, his or her satisfaction towards it become the foundation of the smoker's nicotine dependence . However, there are also different psychological and environmental factors which can affect this process. For example, when a person experience stress whether on family or work and he knows that nicotine has a temporary effect which negate this stress, he or she will likely start to choose to smoke for the said benefit. Eventually, this decision can become a habit developing to the problem of nicotine dependence .

In this condition, smoking for nicotine now becomes a psychological habit for the person and becomes his or her main reaction towards coping with stress and problems. With this constant habit, the body of the smoker is not being trained that nicotine is a significant part of its system for achieving relaxation and comfort thus, signaling the altercation of the delicate balance in the body. In this situation, the body stops producing the hormones for relaxation and just relies with the regular intake of nicotine becoming the condition of nicotine dependence .