Week One of Quitting Smoking - It's All Downhill From Here!

The first week after quitting smoking is the hardest. You get the most intense cravings to start smoking again, and your resolve is at its weakest. Don't worry though, because you CAN make it through it!

Urges to smoke are essentially all mental trigger based. You probably have a few friends that always get together and smoke. An example trigger would be meeting with those friends.

You should identify those triggers before quitting smoking, so you know what will cause you to want to smoke after stopping. This doesn't mean that you can't be friends with them any more, but you do need to be careful the first few times when you see them after quitting, since your urges to smoke will be the highest then.

Remember that for your smoking triggers, there is a deep-rooted mental connection between the trigger (for example, seeing your friends) and lighting a cigarette. You need to break that connection before you can comfortably be around them without smoking. You don't need to do anything specific here other than not smoking when you see them.

After being around the trigger without smoking a few times, your urge to smoke will decrease until it no longer makes you want a cigarette. At first, it may seem that seeing your friends as in the case above will never be the same again, but you need to remember that being around you friends isn't fun because you smoke cigarettes with them, it's fun because of their company, and not smoking around them won't detract from being with them.