Why is Smoking Bad For You - Cigarettes Damage Your Appearance, Health and Wealth

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for us. However, not everyone knows the exact reasons why cigarettes are bad for us. If you are still wondering about this question, then this article will clear your confusion.

Let us start with the cigarette itself. There are up to 4000 chemical compounds contained in a cigarette, hundreds of which are poisonous. Nicotine is the one of the most important substance that contribute to why we are addicted to smoking. Carbon monoxide is one chemical that is produced by incomplete combustion. It is also the cause of many poisoning accidents in fires. Sometimes, I can not help wondering why the smoke that we would not inhale even when we are provided with a promise of a million dollars becomes something that we enjoy.

Health and image are another two reasons why smoking is bad for you. The cigarette smoke is inhaled into our lung which is then endangered with the risks of diseases. This reminds us of the terrible cancer we would not like to mention.

Smoking can easily cause bad breath that could damage our public image. Regular smokers also have stained teeth which destroy our smile. Public image is very important for people who are living in the modern times where the relationship between people is very important. We surely do not want our image damaged by smoking.

Financial reasons should not be neglected, either. Cigarettes costs money which can be spent on more constructive things such as books or toys for kids. Perhaps, the cost on cigarettes are only a drop in the bucket. But if you suffered some diseases caused by smoking, your financial situation will be put to test.

Now that you understand why smoking is bad for you in terms of social acceptance, health and wealth, you will probably look at smoking from a new perspective. So next time when you are about to light up, you should think of what you have read above in advance.