Electric Cig Review - What Are the Easiest Ways to Quit?

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I was asked the other day what the easiest ways to stop smoking were, without resorting to nicotine replacement therapy, so I did some research and below is a quick lowdown of the most well known and common methods for quitting smoking easily, or so they say...

The quit smoking tips that are out there state the obvious - That you need to set a quit date, that you need to avoid social situations that cause temptation to smoke, that you need lots of willpower etc. This just seems like such a difficult task to a long time smoker that they will most likely give up before they've even begun!

OK, so here are the few methods that look promising to me as they seem to require the least effort, unlike the plethora of quit smoking tips out on the net.

First of all there's acupuncture - not everyone's favourite if you're scared of needles. However a lot of people have found this very effective.

Next, there's Hypnosis, which entails relaxing and listening to someone hypnotize you. Seeing a hypnotherapist is far superior to just listening to a CD or MP3 recording. Several sessions are usually required.

Then, there's EFT which stands for emotional freedom technique and which consists of tapping certain points on the acupuncture meridians in a certain way and includes "set up phrases" and affirmations. I would put this in the same camp as acupressure. Both based on acupuncture meridians and self administered. /? " Electric Cig Review

NLP which is a relatively new therapy, stands for neuro linguistic programming. NLP therapists claim to re-programme your brain into thinking like a non-smoker, thereby eliminating the psychological struggle of giving up smoking.

Lastly, there's Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which seems to have a very high success rate. You have to see a therapist regularly for this and it can be expensive.

I would suggest seeing a therapist rather than trying to do it on your own as having someone to support you and encourage you when things get rough is a huge bonus.

So there you are, the easiest ways to quit smoking - there are no excuses now! /? " Electric Cig Review