Amico Electric Cigarette Making Machine - 7 Reasons Why You Do Not Quit Cigarettes Permanently

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If you are like most smokers, you have probably tried to quit cigarettes before, maybe even a number of times. I know I unsuccessfully tried to quit quite a few times before I was able to stop smoking for good!

Here are 7 reasons why people either will not quit cigarettes, or why they were unsuccessful in remaining a nonsmoker;

1) Afraid of dealing with the withdrawal symptoms: Once people have stopped smoking, the effects that can soon follow can be unique and different for everyone. Some people will be come irritable, get easily agitated, experience headaches or perhaps hand shaking. The prospect of having to cope with these possible effects can stop people from ever even trying to quit and if you have tried to quit cigarettes before, maybe you have experienced this before.

2) Afraid to put on any extra weight; Cigarettes have been shown to suppress appetite. So, sometimes when people quit, they will tend to eat a little bit more than they usually would. Instead of putting a cigarette in their mouth, they will put some food in it instead. This can be a very normal fear for people when they are trying to quit with conventional methods of gum, patches, medication or inhalers. /? " Amico Electric Cigarette Making Machine

3) Lack of will power; Many people will say they just did not have the mental strength to quit, or remain a nonsmoker. Will power can be a wonderful psychological tool, but you have to remember to use it, and that can be hard sometimes. Some people just want to avoid that mentally and physically draining task of feeling like they continually have to 'fight urges'. Some people will put up a great 'fight' for as long as they can, but the battles can often simply wear people down until it seems easier to just give in than continue the battle.

4) You use it to deal with stress; Most smokers know that nicotine is a stimulant which actually elevates your heart rate and puts your body in a higher state of stress. However many smokers have such a strong connection between stressful moments in their life, and cigarettes, that many smokers feel that they just would not be able to cope with certain situations in their lives without cigarettes. The fact is that many people deal with the exact same things everyday without using cigarettes, so you can too!

5) You just 'fell into it' or got 'tricked' into starting again; Maybe you have quit for some period of time, was doing great, but just started again for no real reason. Maybe you thought you could get away with 'just one puff or drag'.Amico Electric Cigarette Making Machine

6) It is still pleasurable; Some people will say that they still enjoy smoking. But think about this for a moment. How many cigarettes do you smoke in a day? Now ask yourself, how many of those cigarettes do I truly enjoy? How many am I there, in the moment, enjoying that cigarette? If you have been honest with yourself, it is probably not many at all. Maybe a couple right? The rest are being smoked without you even being aware of it, you are almost smoking them unconsciously.

7) It is such a powerful habit; Ask yourself, how are habits formed? Repetition right? By doing something over and over again right? Now, they say it takes approximately 10 draws to finish a cigarette. Now think about how many cigarettes you have in a day, now times that by 10. You have probably arrived at a pretty high figure right? If you are like the average smoker, you probably have a figure between 100 and 300 draws per day! Imagine if you did any action this many times a day, you have a VERY powerful habit. Imagine trying to stop that action. I am sure you would agree this would be quite a huge challenge. /? " Amico Electric Cigarette Making Machine