Smoking Protects From Schizophrenia

Scientists say that at least they’ve derived benefits from smoking: this habit can protect young smokers from schizophrenia. According to the articles from American journal about psychiatrics – the more cigarettes are smoked, the stronger protection from this mental derangement is.

However, it is stated in this research, that the damage from smoking exceeds all possible benefits and advantaged considerably. Nevertheless, having examined the mental state of 55 young Swedes (18-20 y.o.), the scientists from New South Wales University came to the following conclusion – the risk of this decease is reduced if the person smokes.

According to the professor Gordon Parker, the development of schizophrenia, to all appearances, can be bound up with the dopamine’s production disorder (dopamine – the chemical transmitter between nerve impulses).

“Smoking, you increase the level of dopamine, and we consider this fact to be the explanation why lot’s of schizophrenics smoke. It’s some kind of self-treatment,”- says Parker.

Also Parker noticed that schizophrenics, who even smoke constantly, are subjected to cancer much more rarely, than other smokers. It’s rather difficult to explain, but also Parker says that schizophrenics die on average 20 years earlier, than mentally sane people, and maybe, the usual diseases, the smokers suffer from, just don’t have time to develop.

According to Parker, schizophrenics reach the age of 60 very rare, therefore, statistics of lung cancer death isn’t demonstrative, Sydney Morning Herald reports.

However, Parker doesn’t call upon people, who runs risk to be taken ill with schizophrenia, to smoke. At first, he recommends to visit a psychiatrist and to undergo complete examination before taking this impulsive act.