Reasons to Quit Smoking and Switch to Electronic Cigarettes

I used to smoke so I know how hard it is to quit. I tried many times and with many products. It wasn't until I became pregnant with my first child that I actually succeeded cold turkey. My soon to be born baby was my reason for quitting.

Every smoker has a reason to quit. The most universal reason is your health. Sounds like an important reason right? Well believe it or not some smokers will need another reason to quit, other than living longer. If you have children or are pregnant (I have seen expectant mothers smoking) you should definitely quit smoking. Your children did not choose to smoke so they should not have to deal with the health issues that come with second hand smoke.

If the above reasons won't stop you from smoking, what will?

What if you could continue to get your nicotine and forgo the 4000 other cancer causing chemicals that you get in cigarettes? No, I am not talking about gum or patches. I am talking about a product that is gaining popularity day by day. It's called the Electronic Cigarette.

It looks and feels like a regular cigarette. It even has a water vapor the simulates the smoke when you exhale. It has the same level of nicotine as a cigarette. You can also choose an e-cig with a lower amount of nicotine to one with no nicotine. Soon you won't be dependent and will be able to quit altogether.

Some Electronic Cigarettes come in different flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, coffee (second most favorite) and the most popular flavor is mint.

I have given you two very good reasons to quit smoking. For your health and for the health of your children and others around you. Let's look at the advantages of an electronic cigarette versus a real cigarette.

1: Cigarettes cause cancer and other life threatening illnesses and disease. E-cigs do not.

2: Cigarettes produce second hand smoke that is harmful. They have tar and ash. Offending orders that linger on your breath and clothes. E-cig does not.

Back in the days of the Duke (John Wayne), Yule Brenner and Betty Davis smoking was thought to be a cool look especially in the movies. I guess ignorance was bliss. Nowadays it just make you look like a goober and people look at you distastefully because they cannot fathom why someone would put their lives at risk knowingly and continue to smoke.

So after reading this article you shouldn't have any reasons or excuses to continue to smoke.

Oh, wait. There is one valid reason. It's called not caring. Not caring whether you live or die. Not caring about the health of your children or others around you when you smoke. If that is your attitude then there is no product past or yet to be invented that will help you quit smoking.

You see, in order to quit smoking you have to want to do so.