Champix Stop Smoking Pills and tablets

Smoking is dangerous for almost the entire body. Although every smoker is aware of the health risks linked with the habit of smoking, but few people have tried to quit smoking. Among those who at least try to end, only a few will succeed. The presence of nicotine in cigarettes is a very important effect on the mind. So smoking is the worst addiction. May influence not only the smoker, but he inhaled the smoke damage to other people around them. Passive smokers are bound to suffer from certain health problems.

Risks of smoking:

Smoking has adverse effects on the lungs, kidneys, heart and liver. It hinders the functioning of the lungs, creating breathing difficulties and cause damage to lung tissue. It will also lead to lung cancer. Heart disease or heart attacks are more common in smokers. The other side of smoking is that nicotine in cigarettes is a block blood flow, which causes blood clots and even impotence in men. A few other problems with smoking are bad breath, bad smelling clothes and hair, yellowing of the nails, teeth and skin.

There are some natural ways a person can help themselves to quit smoking. Nicotine replacement products like patches and gum are available, which can be applied smokers. In addition, there is another method called Cold Turkey, a source of power is an important role. This includes the abrupt cessation of smoking. Besides these natural remedies, quit smoking pill Champix to have conquered the market.

How Champix work?

Champix Varenicline is the active substance, which considers itself to nicotinic receptors. In so doing, they deprive the effects of nicotine if the person smoking. It urges smokers to nicotine reduction and alleviation of withdrawal symptoms. Secondly it also helps to reduce cigarette smoking, happy one.

Procedure of taking Champix:

Champix therapy is generally continued until 12 weeks. Burn, who really wants to quit smoking, it must confirm the date. Weeks before that date, must be taken Champix pill dose is 0.5 mg once daily. This should be a matter for the first three days. Then the next four days Champix 0.5 mg twice per day taken once in the morning and once in the evening. Starting next week, Champix is 1 mg pill to take until the end of treatment. It is taken twice a day.

Champix side effects:

Like all medicines, Champix is also some side effects. Among the common are nausea that last weeks, indigestion, constipation, gas, insomnia, abnormal dreams, headache, increased appetite, loss of taste, and fatigue. Your doctor is required if the side effects you observe are serious.

The disease is also your doctor before starting treatment. Women who are pregnant or nursing care needs, both varenicline may affect the baby.