What really works? A study of the most effective program to stop binge drinking

If you have a binge drinking problem, and the self awareness and courage to acknowledge it, you probably know that there are a multitude of services out there that offer the promise of sobriety. Most alcohol rehabs are dressed-up 12-step programs or models that run different ‘houses' under one ownership: they claim to have an answer to your problem, yet a quick internet search will reveal the abysmal success rates of the well-known Alcoholic's Anonymous program, and conventional rehabilitation services, hypnosis treatments and other approaches aren't far behind.  It seems as though the healing of a serious problem comes down to a flip of a coin.

Like most ineffectual approaches, there is usually an alternative approach that most people just don't see or know about.  When it comes to literally making an addiction disappear, the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center is absolutely outstanding.

Rhonda Lenair, the visionary healer, is nothing short of a miracle worker.  Since 1987, she has healed more than over 30,000 people from all walks of life of addictive behavior as a byproduct of what SHE (Self(s) Healing Experience) offers.

Over time, Ms. Lenair has gained an outstanding reputation with the medical community.  Tree Borden, Ph.D., a psychotherapist with 26 year's experience practicing in the Massachusetts area, is in agreement that SHE is by far the most effective program to stop binge drinking.

Borden has referred about 75% of her clients to Rhonda because of a phenomenon that occurs in Rhonda's presence.  She says, "Through the Self(s) Healing Experience that Rhonda offers, addictive, self-sabotaging behaviors, thoughts, desires, cravings and the need to self-destruct simply cease. This happens without any alternative or mainstream therapies or treatments and it is a by-product of the Self(s) Healing Experience: people just outgrow problems that plagued them, almost instantaneously."

Joseph Taylor, M.D., also considers SHE to be the most effective program to treat alcoholism and binge drinking.  He says,"I've had a relationship with Rhonda Lenair for over 6 years and I've referred many patients for alcoholism that have done exceptionally well through her process. Rhonda offers a unique paradigm that effectively resolves addictions, particularly to alcohol. Her process offers substantial benefits to her clients and the field of addiction medicine."

As impressive as these praises are, they pale in comparison to what clients have to say.  Numbering in the tens of thousands, the patrons of Rhonda's work are the most astounded of all.

Consider Brad, a 50 year-old warehouse manager from Maine who could binge drink with the best of them.  Brad had been a heavy drinker for 25 years, consuming close to 30 beers a day for much of that time.  With multiple stays at hospitals because of his excessive alcohol consumption, Brad didn't just need thebestway to stop binge drinking- he neededanyway to stop it.

After only one session with Rhonda, Brad said, "Wow! I went from consuming close to a 30 pack of beer a day on my own, to feeling like a new me with no desire for any alcohol, no withdrawals, nothing but feeling clean and sober." His family and friends cannot believe that after all the years of heaving drinking, boom – it was over. "Rhonda gave me back my life," says Brad. He continues, "I no longer have room in my life for drinking. I am still involved in situations where there is a lot of drinking, but I do not drink anymore."

In my research into this tragic, debilitating problem, I have yet to encounter a program for recovery from addictive behavior that works even half as well as the Self(s) Healing Experience.