Electronic Smokeless Cigarettes

Electronic smokeless cigarettes allows you to breathe again. They contain none of the dangerous toxins found in regular tobacco cigarettes, such as tar, carbon monoxide or any other thousands of toxins. There is nothing in them to clog and blacken your lungs. Smokeless cigarettes contain mainly water, nicotine and propylene glycol (a common additive in food coloring and cake mixes). So in effect, electronic smokeless cigarettes are the perfect smoking cessation product as they give you your nicotine, without taking a toll on your lungs and heart.

Get even more information and special pricing on the best smokeless cigarettes here.

Smokeless cigarettes are possibly more effective than the patch, such as Nicoderm CQ and others, as they not only give you that nicotine that you crave, but you can also maintain that habit of going though the motions of physically smoking, well gradually lowering your nicotine dosage. Electronic smokeless cigarettes come in a variety of nicotine levels. Over time you can ween yourself off of the nicotine in a controlled manner, thus reducing the withdrawl symptoms of quitting smoking.

The smokeless cigarettes could even be considered a green product as most offer an electronic cigarette which has no second-hand smoke, no ash and no risk of fire. For example, theGreen Smokecartridge is comparable to 30 cigarettes, yet produces

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much less waste.  Green Smoke makes a very easy to use and simple reliable 2 part construction, compared to many three part types.  Green Smoke produces a smoke-like vapor (mostly steam) which is harmless to the ozone layer. Tobacco cigarette smoke contains a number of harmful chemicals which impact not only the atmosphere, but everyone within breathing distance.

Not only are the smokeless cigarettes better for you than regular cigarettes, and better for the environment, they also are dramatically more cost effective for the smoker, or the quitting smoker. A cartridge costs $3 and is comparable to a pack and a half of tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes cost an average of $5 per pack, and in some states, they are as high as $10 -$12. Over the course of a year you can save hundreds of dollars by switching to Green Smoke™. And smoking patches are also very expensive, and can really add up over the course of a treatment to quit smoking.

So, as you can see, electronic smokeless cigarettes can save your lungs while saving you lot of money too!

For more indepth information be sure to check Green Smoke Smokeless Cigarettes website for latest specials.