New Hampshire Seems Indecisive on Hiking Cigarette Sales Tax!

The smoking bans that are currently effective in different parts of the world have no doubt gone a long way in curbing on the prevalence of smoking. Further, as a result of the ban on smoking, a whopping sum of money is saved from being spent on cigarettes and in treating different diseases that inevitably result due to the smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco containing substances. A decrease in buying and selling of cigarettes is further badly hitting many countries and states as cigarettes comprise a major chunk of the revenues earned by countries. Though the bans are working for the welfare of the humanity, at the same time, they are adversely affecting the income generated in many countries via the sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products. This is one of the chief reasons that explain why the third world countries are not showing enthusiasm in implementing smoking bans in their countries. As the economy of the third world countries is comparatively weaker than other nations, these countries cannot bear to further cut down on their revenues by implementing bans on smoking or on any other costly addiction.

The bans have also badly affected the developed countries. The US and UK are two countries that have gone a long way in adopting stringent measures against smoking. These measures have been implemented and altogether a high range of enthusiasm is seen among the people to follow these rules and regulations. It is also seen that whenever someone has attempted to breach these anti-smoking laws, he/she is appropriately punished.

But now, the ban on smoking has backfired to a certain extent. For instance, the US is currently going through some sort of financial deficit due to a considerable decrease in the sales of cigarettes that has resulted from the ban on smoking in places like restaurants, pubs, clubs, playgrounds etc and also within enclosed premises. Now, the government is looking to recover the losses and compensate for the deficit in some other way. As the prices of any particular commodity cannot be raised without any valid reason, the government is on its way to hike the tax incurred on cigarettes. By raising the prices of cigarettes, the government is thinking to adjust the losses and formulate a budget in a particular financial year that seems otherwise unattainable

The states like New Hampshire and Massachusetts are contemplating on this and they have also passed acts to the effect. The former is thinking of implementing a 25% price hike in cigarette sales tax while the latter has already hiked up the sales tax incurred in buying cigarettes. However, the New Hampshire government is currently considering to abandon its decision of raising cigarette sales tax altogether. It is hoping to cash in on the smokers of its neighbouring state Massachusetts, in which cigarette prices are already hiked to a certain extent. Grocery and stationery owners in New Hampshire are of the opinion that the state can do better with the price hike. Nevertheless, cigarette smoking is going to be a costly affair and the same is true in case of nicotine withdrawal as on attempting to get rid of nicotine addiction; nicotine withdrawal symptoms can seriously harm a person’s health. Yet quit smoking drugs like chantix can effectively help you to get rid of smoking addiction and altogether with chantix, you won`t fall prey to nicotine withdrawal symptoms. You can buy chantix online straight from your home and the chantix news section present in various chantix websites will acquaint you with the fundamental details on chantix. But the quit smoking medicine chantix occasionally triggers off side- effects and as such you should get hold of chantix prescription from the doctor before administering chantix . Never ever think of going for the drug on your own. Get the prescription before you buy chantix .