Smokeless Cigarettes How Do They Work

The smokeless cigarette is basically the most modern alternative to traditional smoking . In recent years, medical studies have begun to prove how dangerous and even deadly the chemicals and carcinogens in cigarettes are for ones body, and as a result, more and more people have determined to kick this habit for good. This is not an easy task, as many users are addicted to the nicotine more than a little. But the electric cigarette has made this much easier. Many who are considering this method will ask of smokeless cigarettes how do they work?

These cigarettes contain minimal amounts of nicotine and other herbs or natural and flavored ingredients. The device allows a smoker to use it just as a traditional cigarette without consuming the high harmful levels of chemicals.

There are basically two distinct models of the electric cigarette. One is a manual type and the other is an automatic. The manual requires the user to press a button that will trigger the release of the herbal solution to vaporize. The automatic version has an internal sensor that is able to detect when a person is using the device, allowing for the release of the solution.

Both of these types will be available in various colors to suite the users taste, and they also each contain an LED light that becomes illuminated when it is in use to imitate traditional forms of smoking.

The act of smoking itself has been proven as a relief for those who are craving their timely smoke, and the slight vapors can calm these as well by appeasing one with minimal amounts of nicotine.

While these devices have worked and are proven to work, they are not recommended to be used on a long term basis. They were designed to help the hard cord smoker find an aid to help them escape and learn to live without unhealthy cigarette smoking.