3 Lung Cleansing Methods For Easy Breathing

Lung cleansing is a good way to get back lost respiratory health from long years of smoking which have filled your lungs with tar and impurities that can cause many problems such as:

  • Coughing
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Increase chance of respiratory infections.
  • Increased chance of stroke
  • Increased chance of bronchitis
  • Highly increased chance of deadly lung cancers

Along with many more!

Some methods you can use to aid in doing a lung detox are:

Lung exercises- Changing your rate of breathing, breathing in and holding for a long time, breathing out as deeply as you can and many other lung exercises can be employed to strengthen the lungs and increase capacity while dislodging the tar and gunk that coats your lungs black is essential in cleaning your lungs.

Nutrition- A change of diet can help boost your natural immune system and put your body's inbuilt detoxification processes into top gear to remove the impurities in your lungs and other parts quicker.

Tar removing vitamins- This is the big secret between a change in lifestyle as the other two points are and natural way to fast track your lungs to better health. The biggest problem with a smoker's lungs is that the tar from cigarettes has stopped the toxin removing white blood cells called macrophages from accessing and cleaning the lungs. Tar is hard to get rid of and take several years or more to break down naturally. However this can be sped along to less than a year using some vitamins that have been proven to break up tar into more manageable chunks to be flushed from the body allowing the macrophages to do their work!

So if you want to know the exact details on how to do these lung cleansing methods click below to take your first step to better lung health and also to find out how this can help you quit smoking for good as well!

Lung Detox Guide