Know Your Smoking Facts

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If you can just answer this question, then you know whether or not you value your life. Smoking kills, and that's the most important fact you need to know. Plus, it not only kills, it kills painfully, and it will affect not just you but the people you expose your smoke to, and your family who will have to deal with the pain and suffering of an ailing family member with cancer.

Let's look at the facts. A pregnant woman or a young mother who exposes her unborn child or young children to secondary smoke is exposing her children to many different lung and heart problems. This is because their major organs are still developing, so anything hazardous can cause a defect or a serious medical problem.

As far as statistics are concerned, 60% of smokers have a health problem like chronic cough, weak immunity or resistance to bacteria and infection, and ugly changes in their physical appearance like yellow teeth and a poor skin tone. Of course, they will also smell, and this can be a definite turn-off to the opposite sex. Smoking will also increase your chances of suffering from a stroke or coronary heart problem.

On the other hand, we all know that smoking causes lung cancer, but did you know that 87% of all smokers get lunch cancer, pulmonary and bronchial disease? This means 87 out of a 100 smokers will suffer from cancer. Unfortunately, even if you stop smoking, you cannot reverse the damage that has been done. You can only lessen the impact, and maybe not have further medical problems. This is why 50% of people who have stopped smoking will have some form of chronic lung problem.

It is also sad that people who don't smoke but are exposed to secondary smoke will experience a health problem. This is because inhaling secondary smoke can be even more dangerous than smoking. As such, you will notice a concerted effort to separate the smokers from non-smokers, and for not allowing smoking in public places.

In the name of profit, it is incredibly depressing that advertising is promoting young teenagers and children to try smoking. As of a 2004 study, 22% of high school students were smokers, while 8% of middle school students started smoking already.

The problem with smoking is one gets addicted because of the nicotine, and this is why it a difficult, but not impossible habit to break. It has to start with firm resolve and a good support group.